Saturday, January 25, 2014

Top 10 bodyweight exercises you have to know about

Being in shape is one of those factors that greatly defines how well you will look in your suit. Did you know that unless you train, your body loses muscle every year once you are past the age of 25? Not only do our bellies grow, our bodies get weaker too and no custom suit can make up for the lack of exercise.

Getting fit doesn’t mean that you need to fork out hundreds of dollars on an expensive gym membership. Nor does it mean that you need to buy a piece of home exercise equipment that will just end up collecting dust in your basement. You already own the best piece of equipment that can be used to get into shape – your own body and especially if you are starting out, your own body weight will be good enough to get you back in shape. Best of all, it is portable and user friendly. Here are 10 of the best exercise you can do in the comfort of your own home that will get you incredible results if you do them regularly and properly. Check Youtube if you are not quite sure on how to perform any of the exercises the right way - form is important to prevent injuries and get the best out of your training.

Push ups
The hallmark of body weight exercises, the push up is probably the oldest and most effective exercise in the book. Place your body in a prone position then lower and raise yourself using the arms. Aside from being a great core exercise, it works your pectorals, triceps and deltoids. 

Bodyweight squat
The squat is the ultimate compound exercise. It engages your entire body while focusing on your thigh, hip, butt, quad and hamstring muscles.  Starting in a standing position, move your hips back while bending your knees and hips to lower the torso, then return to upright position. 

An isometric core exercise that involves maintaining a difficult position for a long period of time. Assume a position similar to the push up but support yourself on your forearms for a long period of time. It may seem easy at first but you will really start feeling the burn a few seconds into it. Very effecting in engaging your abs, spine erectors and oblique muscles.

Step up
Using a step or a bench, place your foot on the elevated surface and step up until the leg is straight. Repeat using the left leg. Gives your hamstrings a great workout.

Calf raises
Calfs can be a difficult muscle to develop so make sure to do this one slowly so you can really feel it. While standing, get on your toes and hold. Be sure to keep your knees straight and heels above the floor. Hold and then come down slowly. For more of a challenge, use an elevated surface.

Lie on the floor face down, extend your arms and legs as far as possible while creating a small curve in your body. Hold your arms and legs as high off the floor as you can for 30 second bouts.

No workout is complete without some cardio to get your heart going. Lie down with your knees raised, create a pedalling motion with your legs. For an additional challenge, place your hands behind your head and touch your elbows to your knees with every pedal.

Probably the most effective full body exercise out there, the burpee engages every muscle in your body. While in the squat position, kick your feet back into a push up position. You can either do a pushup or stay in plank, then return to squat position and jump up as high as you can, return to squat position and repeat.

A fairly simple movement that is great for beginners. Position one leg forward while bending both of your knees. Return back to standing position and alternate legs. Great for toning your quads and buttocks muscles.

Headstand push-up
This one is for the real professionals. Find a wall and get into a handstand position. Bend your elbows so that your head moves towards the floor. It’s probably a good idea to use a spotter when first trying this one out.

To get you started, here is a training plan to get you in great shape:

Exercise Sets  Reps
Push ups
Bodyweight Squats
30 second bouts
step up
calf raises
20 second bouts
30 second bouts
headstand pushups

Try this program out for 4 weeks, progressively increasing the number of sets and reps. You’ll be in the best shape of your life before you know it.