Friday, October 29, 2010

Coming soon on Indochino Review

Ultimate Grey Suit
Two recent Indochino purchases make my suit wardrobe pretty complete and my bank account pretty empty. I bought the Ultimate Grey Suit, one of those basic suits that everyone should have (and I didn't) and as I had a birthday recently, my girlfriend was so kind to gift me the Navy Walker Tweed Suit (great fabric, unfortunately already sold out, gladly I don't need a remake). I'm really happy with both of the suits, my measurements are really just as I need them now (I still always add half or quarter an inch here and there, mostly for the trousers and the jacket length). Please excuse the 5-o'clock-shadow, but it's Friday after all and I just didn't feel like shaving in the morning ;)

I'll do a proper review on both of them soon, but before that I'll take a little break and go on a 2-week vacation. Probably I won't manage to keep away from the blog completely, so if there is a new collection or something else big happening, you will hear from me. By the way, I have added another page to the blog, basically a collection of photos of people wearing their Indochino suits. Check it out at

Walker Navy Tweed

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hedonist Navy Three Piece Suit is back!

The Hedonist Navy Three Piece suit - 399$ with coupon redflagdeals (and 2 free shirts)

One of the most wanted suits from the Hedonist collection is back on Indochino - the Hedonist Navy Three Piece Suit. Relatively pricey at 499$ this suit had sold out quickly and it seems that Indochino now aquired some extra fabric on the market. The price can be reduced significantly with the redflagdeals coupon (I don't know when it will expire, now it still works) and for 399,20$ you then get the suit + 2 free shirts. If you have used that coupon already, head over to the Coupon page and choose an alternative - there are plenty available at the moment. 

There are no special linings or special lapels available for this suit at the moment of writing, but you can still finally choose some extra options like higher armholes or natural shoulders. Be careful with the vest, there is a little hidden option that makes the back of the vest in fabric, instead of the lining. I'd personally always choose that, doesn't it look weird with lining on the back? Anyway, a bit too bold for my work environment (especially with the vest), but hey - I work at an automobile company. Probably just the right thing for a lawyer or a Wall Street guy!

The Hedonist Navy Three Piece Suit

Monday, October 25, 2010

Indochino Survey Results - Part II

So, here we go for Part II of the survey results:

What do you like most about Indochino?

Not much of a surprise, the price is what most (42%) people like most about Indochino, 30% named the fit, 11% the style. 

What do you like least about Indochino?

54% criticizes the limited selection, the measurements process, the fit or the price, the quality don't seem to be a problem for only 30% of all participants. 

What do you expect from Indochino in the future?

A majority of 71% wants more suits suitable for business/work, 43% want more outerwear. Those seem to be the most important wishes, of course many others want more shirts, more accessories, more plaid fabrics, skinny tie bars, customizable collar felts, etc. There are some great ideas in this, I'm curious if the Indochino guys checked the results. 

Open Questions

I took the chance to ask you what you want to see on the blog. Most than 64% said they'd want more reviews of other customers - I'll try to do that, but obviously the incentive for someone to write a review for the blog is not very high, as I cannot offer any money for it. Still, if you recently ordered a suit and you'd like to write a review including some photos, please feel free to share it with me and I will give it a dedicated space on the blog. I have also gathered a couple of photos from StyleForum and will post them here on a separate page. 

Many of you also mentioned that you want more of my reviews (62%). I have good news for you, as I have a new Ultimate Grey Suit (best fit so far) and soon a Walker Navy Tweed Suit that I will review in a bit. 47% also mentioned that they'd like reviews of other MTM companies. This is obviously not a priority, but I will throw in the odd article about other companies too (received a Modern Tailor shirt today, a Dolbeau custom tie a while ago). 

Last but not least, many said they want to read about new coupons - the box on the right part of the blog is constantly updated with the newest coupons (I got email notifications set up for new coupons via google, twitter, etc.). In addition, I will write a new post if there is an especially interesting coupon. I also want to thank the many readers who send me emails with coupons! The more info I get, the more people will benefit :)

The fully survey results for download:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Indochino Survey Results - Part I

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Indochino survey - and a special thanks to those, who took the time to write a comment to the open questions! As I did the survey on a free account of Survey Monkey, it was limited to 100 responses. While this is probably not technically a representative sample, it does show some very interesting trends and provides a number of valuable insights. 10 questions can of course never cover everything, there would've been many more questions to ask. Furthermore, the basic account of Survey Monkey only allows you to analyze the data in a very simple way.

Let's take a look at the results then. I'll tell you the most interesting insights, and I'll name the participants Indochinos, unless any of you has a better term ;)

If you want the full survey results, I uploaded them as a PDF right here:

Would you recommend Indochino?

Let's start with the good news first. At the company I work for, we regularly ask our customers for feedback on our retailers and our index question is something like "would you recommend retailer xxx to your friends". This is a pretty good indicator on the satisfaction level with a certain product/service. I asked that same question in the survey and the result is quite impressive for Indochino - 94% of all participants would recommend Indochino to their friends. I believe this is quite an achievement and does give an idea about how happy Indochinos generally are with their product.

Alterations and Returns

If you sell a suit for an average for 300$ (I assume that is a realistic average, as there is usually a coupon code with around 10% discount + free items around), ship it for 80$ (according to FedEx shipping papers), pay wages, marketing, raw material and all remaining costs, you probably are left with a pretty small margin already. If you consider the perfect fit promise with the 75$ tailor credit and the possibility of a remake, you will probably diminish the profit margin even further - depending on how many people make use of the perfect fit policy. According to the interview with Kyle Vucko, their return rate is far below the 20% industry standard. This is not surprising, because they do everything so you don't actually return your product - they try to make it fit for you. What would be more interesting is how many people needed either the tailor credit or a remake on one of their Indochino suits.

As you can see in the graph below, a majority of about 76% needed either alterations or a complete remake on any of their Indochino suits. Of course, this can also mean that the alterations happened on the first suits and the ones ordered afterwards didn't need any adjustments, but another question I asked revealed that 57% off all participants had only ordered from Indochino once or twice. 

That's it for now, more soon as I get some time to write more. Also upcoming soon are 2 more reviews - Ultimate Grey and Walker Navy Tweed!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Red Flag Deal is back!

The awesome Indochino Red Flag Deal is back! Enter Redflagdeals for 20% off and 2 free shirts! I couldn't find anything about its expiry date yet, but will update this thread with the info of course. This is really a good season for Indochino deals, the 100$ coupon for suits is also still valid until October 22. For more coupons please check the permanent box on the right side of this blog. 

The link to the Red Flag Deals announcement/discussion:

Friday, October 15, 2010 gives you 100$ off suits above 349$

100$ off Indochino with Indochino coupon

Wasn't sure if I should even start a post about it, but it is indeed an excellent deal and I guess it's worth sending you all an update on it. recently had a couple of articles on Indochino, this time they are back with a really good coupon code. You can enter at checkout to receive 100$ off any Indochino suit above 349$. If you for example buy the Navy Walker Suit, you'd buy 299$ instead of 399$ you effectively get 25% off. Quite a nice deal - unfortunately, it's not valid for long, the coupon expires 22/10/2010 - probably just before they introduce their October Collection.

299$ instead of 399$
One more thing, I know people have been wondering if the style of new collections affects the outcome of the suit. In other words, if you ordered a suit 4 months ago and you order again now with the same measurements, will the suit be the same or will it be different? According to Angie, the style of their suits didn't change, only the models. A suit ordered with the same measurements will therefore always look the same. Actually, they always look a little bit different in my personal opinion, because they don't just employ one tailor and everyone seems to do it a tad different.

Furthermore, the Survey is about to reach 100 participants at which point I will analyze the results, so you can expect something about that soon. Probably in addition to a new Indochino Collection next week or the week after!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Are you man enough to measure up?

Are you MAN enough to get measured? Exclusive giveaway tomorrow. Make sure you are on Indochino's mailing list --from Indochino's Facebook account

I'm not quite sure what it is Indochino wants you to measure up, but I guess we will find out tomorrow. Perhaps they want to issue special coupon codes, 1% per inch...

The last "real" collection was the Hendonist Gentlement Collection, extended with a few items recently by the Signatur Collection. Usually, we get the new collections around the 20th, but perhaps Indochino's design mastermind Heikal Ghani had an early inspiration this month? Judging from the survey so far (75 participants), most people would like to see some more suits specifically for work (and less fashion forward). As we are really moving towards colder seasons now, some nice tweed sports jackets would be nice - perhaps even suitable as "outerwear"? I'd also like some more different patterns aside from pinstripes. Furthermore, I'd like my boss to give me a wage increase or pay for one Indochino suit a month (now that would be a nice fringe benefit). Probably none of those wishes will come true, but Indochino surely knows how to keep the excitement up every month and I'm curious to see what we will get tomorrow!

By now we know what it is all about - a Twitter campaign. If you  follow Indochino on Twitter & tweet a certain slogan, you will get a free measuring tape from Indochino. Why do they do it? The campaign is limited to the US and Canada, thus minimal postage cost are involved (material costs are very low anyway for a tape measure) and there is a chance that the participants generate a buzz on Twitter (Indochino might - but will not imho - become a trending topic, multiplier effect through people making the message visible to their followers, etc). Hoping for the new collection next week then ;)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Get 15% off your next Indochino purchase

I discovered a new coupon code this morning (or actually, it's an old coupon code, but now working again). 
PICKLE (expires 11/30/2011) gives you 15% off any Indochino purchase. I tested the coupon, it also works for just shirts or pants, outerwear and suits. 

Personally, I actually prefer those coupons with high discounts to the ones that give you free shirts or ties. The reason is that I look to spend less, not necessarily to get more. 

Of course, if you still have to stock up on shirts you might want to use dailyedealsfall (8% off, 2 free shirts, 1 free tie). 

I also want to bring your attention to the Indochino Survey I am currently conducting. It literally only takes 1-2 minutes of your time and the more participation we have, the more we can read from the results. I will put a nice analysis of the survey on the blog towards the end of October and I believe it will be interesting for everyone to see.