While I'm still waiting patiently for my Navy Blue Indochino suitto arrive, I took a trip to the 1st district of Vienna today. Not only are there some great sights, the 1st district also hosts one of the most famous tailors in Austria (and even Europe?), namely Knize. If you are interested and speak German (or know how to use Google Translator) you can read on here.
I walked around the shop, looking at the Brioni Blazer, cashmere pullovers, a wide selection of ties - and ended up a bit frustrated because I currently cannot afford any of those...I did spend some of my savings on a really delicious pair of Derby shoes though.
They look cool, don't they? Magnus the cat likes them too. Oh, and if you are interested in shoes or you have a great pair that looks a bit like it would need some help, check out this blog entry from Dennis Cahlo about revamping shoes.

One more link that I would like to share with you, this guy from ebay sells classic US army aviator sunglasses at great prices. I got the outfit together, now I just need the suit to arrive...